Case Study: Inverell Shire Council

Product: Business Accelerator Report with Advisor

Inverell Shire Council engaged Peter Spinda (advisor) to deliver a series of 1:1 business consultations to owners of 12 x local businesses. MyMalekso was used to underpin and manage the engagements. The following transpired:

  1. Each business was required to complete the MyMalekso Business Accelerator diagnostic questionnaire.
  2. As each diagnostic questionnaire was submitted, the advisor was automatically notified to hop into the MyMalekso platform and assess the questionnaire responses.
  3. Following this assessment, the advisor had a 1:1 video conference meeting for up to 2 hours to discuss the diagnostic responses.
  4. This 1:1 meeting was followed by the advisor hopping into the MyMalekso platform to finalise the write-up of the business accelerator advisory report. Once complete, the MyMalekso platform analysed the diagnostics, automatically generating the comprehensive business accelerator report, complete with business ranking scores, automated advice, and all inputs from the advisor.
  5. The final part of the process was for the advisor and business owner to meet again 1:1 via the MyMalekso video conferencing facility to discuss the findings of the advisor, and to help the business owner build out their implementation tasks within the MyMalekso platform.
  6. The business owner was subsequently provided with 12-months of access to the MyMalekso platform, which they use to self-manage their business improvement in-house.

The MyMalekso platform:

  • Cut down on consulting time by at least 12 hours per business engaged, totaling a time saving of at least 144 hours, which is at least a $21,600 saving to Council at the minimum advisor hourly rate of $150.
  • Eliminated the need to pay travel and accommodation related costs, including travel time, as everything was able to be completed virtually. This further saved Council many thousands of dollars.
  • Allowed all engagements to be run consistently and efficiently, ensuring the best return on investment on the investment Council made into the program.
  • Made the process simple for business owners who did not have to take days off work to be locked in full day workshops.
  • Sped up the process for everyone involved. No longer does an advisor need to spend days and days in workshops collecting data.

By turning to MyMalekso, Inverell Shire Council was able to provide these 12 businesses growth and recovery assistance that provided depth and value, at a price point not possible without the use of a business advisory platform like MyMalekso. MyMalekso was able to provide Council with deep aggregate data gained out of this engagement, allowing Council to gain a real-time insight into this segment of their local business environment.

The feedback received from participating business owners was resoundingly positive, with everyone indicating they got tremendous value out of the engagement.