24th June Meeting Minutes

Last mentoring meeting with Nic. We reviewed his progress, discussed completed tasks and updated the task list.

The goal for the next 6 months:
– Develop growth focused business plan
– Talk with his Brother regarding a strategy for approaching GDL
– Approach GDL, with a goal of starting work with them in the first quarter of 2022
– Monitor the results from the radio advertising campaign: action requests, and decide whether this medium is worth the investment long term
– Start using mailchimp; while it is now setup, it has to be used to get the value from it
– Setup Xero and Dext and use them; Both have been explored and Nic sees the value in them, but they now need to be setup and used
– Check into the dashboard every month or two and update as required

Pete will touch base for a meeting in 6-9 months time as follow up to this program.

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